the olympic games课文翻译_the,olympic,games课文翻译(共9篇)

2016-03-29 英语演讲稿 阅读:


The UK will___ ___ ___ ___ the 2012 Olympic games.

The UK will host the 2012 Olympic games.【the,olympic,games课文翻译】


帮忙翻译一下Share the Spirit of Olympic Games
Share the Spirit of Olympic Games You are my adversary,but you are not my enemy For your resistance gives me strength. Your will gives me courage,your spirit ennobles me. And though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed I will not humiliate you. Instead,I will honor you. For without you,I am a lesser man.

Share the Spirit of Olympic Games 分享奥运精神
You are my adversary,but you are not my enemy 你是我的对手但不是我的敌人.
For your resistance gives me strength.你的对抗给我力量.
Your will gives me courage,your spirit ennobles me.你的勇气让我敬佩.
And though I aim to defeat you,should I succeed I will not humiliate you.尽管我要打败你,如果我胜利了,我不会侮辱你.
Instead,I will honor you.For without you,I am a lesser man.相反,我会尊重你.没有你,我的胜利毫无意义.


The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years" time,so the government will be putting up new buildings just outside the capital.Kurt Gunter has designed the buildings and workers will have completed the new stadium by the end of next year.The Games will be held in this country for the first time and we are looking forward to them.

奥运会将在四年后在我们国家举办,因此政府将在首都的周边建造新的建筑.Kurt Gunter (是悉尼奥运会场馆的设计师)设计了这些建筑,工人们将在今年年底完成这座新场馆.这是奥运会第一次在这个国家举办,我们对此都充满期待.


1.The ancient Olympic Games were held in honor of the Greek gods.
2.Before the games,all the wars in ancient Greece stopped so that all the soldiers would take part in the games.
3.Before 1949 China sent athletes to the Olympic Games and won only a few gold medals.
4.Each ring in the Olympic flag represents a continent:Africa,America,Asia,Australia and Europe.
5.The Ooympic oath can only be heard at the closing ceremony.



新目标英语 unit6 I"ve been studying history in china

I"ve been studying history in china.
My name is leo,I"m form australia,and i"ve been teaching in china for two years ,i teach in harbin,the capital of heilongjiang province,this is an interesting city with a very colorful history,there is some european in fluence in the city,and some of the old buildings in harbin are in russian style.
sionce i came to china ,i"ve been learning a lot about my family history,although I"m australian ,my family is jewish,so it was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of jews came to leve in harbin many years ago,my parents were so surprised when i told them about this,in fact,the first jews porobably came to kaifeng more than a thousand years ago and were welcomed by the song emperor.
when i lived in australia ,i studied history at school but we usually sudied australian or western history.however,when i heard that i was going to work in china .i started studying chinese history,i"ve been studyying for over two years now,my friends in australia said that chinese history was very hard to understan,but i like me ,the more i learn about chinese history the more i enjoy living in china.
and although i live quite far from beijing,i"m cartain i will be here for the olympic games in 2008!


what amazes pausanias.ahout the olympic games?翻译




To prepare for the Olympic Games in summer ,London is planning its largest ever exercise to test the response of emergency services.



The 2004 Olympic Games were held in Athens in August and lasted 17 days.The Games were watched by four billion people all over the world.This was the biggest number of people ever to watch a sports event.More than 11,000sportsmen and sportswomen from 202countries took part in the games,with a larger number of sportswomen than ever before.
The largest number of medals was won by America,with 35 gold medals.China came second with 32 gold medals.Russia was third ,with 27 gold medals.
When the Chinese Olympic sportsmen and sportswomen returned to China after the Games,many people came to see them at the airport.They were very proud of their heroes.The sportsmen and sportswomen were also very proud.
“My country,I love you ”said Liu Xiang,the winner of the gurdling gold medal.
“We were so encouraged when we learnt about our country’s hopes for our team,”said Chen Zhonghe,the coach for the women’s volleyball team.
The basketball star Yao Ming said,”We need to learn from these Olympic Games.Now we will start preparing for the 2008 Olympics in China.”
At the end of the 2004 Olympic Games,the Olympics flag was taken to Beijing for the 2008 Games.The Games do not stop!




The Olympic Games are held every four years.In 2008,Beijing will host the 29th Olympics.All the Chinese people are quite excited and busy preparing for Now the emblem and mascots have been chosen for the 29th Olympics.As for me,I want to be a volunteer in 2008.At that time,there will be many foreigners coming to Beijing,so I can act as a tour guide and show them around Beijing.In order to be a good volunteer,I will try my best to study English,especially oral English,then I can communicate with foreigners in perfect English.

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the olympic games课文翻译_the,olympic,games课文翻译(共9篇)




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